Case Study 7 – Murray River Country Estate – Pinjarra


This will be a 2,500 lot development located about 1.5 kilometres north-west of the Pinjarra town site. About 500 lots have already been created. An amended ODP was approved in late-2009. The development site has a Murray River frontage of several kilometres and is affected in part by flooding, shallow groundwater water levels, a flat site in general and ASS issues. The site was once known as Ravenswood Sanctuary and The Civil Group was the first consultant engaged by the new owners just before they bought it from the liquidator in late 2003. The development had been largely ignored for two years whilst in receivership and both it and its residents were suffering from an old-fashioned and somewhat uncared for site.


A clever and carefully selected team of consultants was engaged to assist with not only the preparation of a new ODP but to also assist with addressing a myriad of complex, interrelated and sometimes contradictory issues.

The project development team examined water harvesting, aquifer storage and other systems to create a site with the best processes for urban water management, connectivity of the built form with the environment and community and the reduction of the energy footprint per person.


Already an extra 500 lots have been created and sold. A series of complex approvals including the ODP, an LWMS and irrigation and ASS strategies are in place. An earthworks model for the whole site to guide the management of fill – one of the most expensive parts of the development – has been prepared. This strategic advice will help set the guidelines to develop the site in such a way that costs are minimised in district that is exposed to market fluctuations magnified to those in the Perth Metro area. It is another example where The Civil Group derived development strategies that properly took into account the product that is to be sold.